Relating with Harmony
Here you can enroll in Relating with Harmony. Fill out the information below to gain access.

In the Relating with Harmony Program, you receive:
The full Harmony Essentials Program, plus 4 lessons on how to communicate and connect with others in Harmony
- Delve into the Inner Aspects
- See Harmony in Yourself
- Using Harmony to Connect
- Explore Personal Practices
You also get 1-on-1 sessions to guide you to truly relating with Harmony:
Advanced Personal Harmony Consultation: you receive new, in-depth knowledge about your Essence and Energy. You gain the power, ability, and skills to express who you are and understand others at a much higher level.
More Powerful Relating Session: you gain a new understanding of 3 important people in your life. Based on a photograph, we conduct an analysis that gives their Essence Overview. We explain to you the specifics of successful communication with them.
Responsive e-mail support to answer all your questions and guide you in your learning.
Your Investment in Your Self: $675